09 September 2011

School Is Back In Session

Yesterday was my oldest son's first day of the second grade. And thank God for that!!

I have two sons, and trying to write when they are both home is a major pain in the butt. Doing art isn't as hard, because I can put them at their table and let them paint while I do my projects. They even love doing that with me. But writing requires a different form of concentration and it really isn't something that they can do with me.

Now that my oldest is back to school, it is giving me some time that allows for more writing. I still have my four year old in the house, but I can play with him for a bit after I get his brother on the bus and then pop in a movie for him. That usually gives me ninety minutes of work time. Two hours, if I am lucky.

I am really looking forward to the days when they are both in school full time. Ahhh... that is going to be nice.

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