
Flash fiction is a very short story, usually 1000 words or less. Although different sources have different guidelines about word count, the important part is that it is a complete story in very few words.
So what happens when you take a bunch of writers that gather on Twitter and start writing flash fiction? What happens then, when all of these writers post the stories on their blogs on the same day of the week, and then share these stories with each other?
That is what happens. Using the hash tag #fridayflash everyone shares their stories on Twitter for the world to see. The activity has gathered so much steam and created so many writers and fans that there has been a best of anthology published in both ebook andpaperback format, as well as a Facebook group and official website.
I like to participate in #fridayflash and post the stories on this blog. I don't post a story every week, but I always enjoy reading the stories that other writers put out there.